Gatsby ImageCDN on Netlify

The POW! web app is hosted on Netlify, and so is the soon to be released version of the marketing site.

However, after upgrading to the latest version of @raae/gatsby-source-youtube-oembed, with support for Gatsby ImageCDN, my sourced YouTube Thumbnails went blank...

Turns out support for Gatsby ImageCDN is not on by default; you need to set the environment variable GATSBY_CLOUD_IMAGE_CDN set to true.


After doing so and triggering a "Clear cache and deploy site," the YouTube Thumbnails came back, and all was good!

YouTube Thumbnail via Gatsby ImageCDN on Netlify .

All the best,
Queen Raae

PS: Interested in learning how to add Gatsby ImageCDN support to your plugin? Check out How to add support for Gatsby ImageCDN in your source plugin 🖼 ☁️

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