Byte-sized emails about Semantic HTML Elements this advent?

Semantic HTML Elements are a foundational piece of the World Wide Web.

However, the popularity A little semantic HTML trick for React components and doing Gatsby code reviews have shown me that this is a topic that many developers need to brush up on.

Myself included!

There are quite a few new (and some deprecated) elements since the last time I did any intentional research on the topic.

So, this advent, I will share byte-sized emails on a new Semantic HTML Element each day in December until Christmas. The first element out is <fieldset>. Read it over on, and be sure to sign up for the next ones.


Join in and take responsibility for one of the days 🙏
Reply, and I'll share the details on how to contribute with you.

All the best,
Queen Raae


PS: We are streaming live again on YouTube tomorrow (Saturday) at 11:00 CET.\

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